With the right softball equipment, you're unstoppable on the field!
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Rockies Game Day Jersey
All U9 - U19 players will receive a game day jersey from SBR prior to the start of the season. Check the Key Dates page for timing.
A jersey bond of $100 must be provided by post-dated cheque only prior to pick up.
Jerseys must be returned to SBR at the end of the season in order to have their bond cheque returned.
Rockies Cap
Each player will receive a ball cap when they pick up their jersey. This is theirs to keep.
Rockies baseball caps will be available for purchase in the online store. Shop here!
Softball Bats
Each team will receive a set of age/size appropriate bats with their team equipment that all players are welcome to use.
Players are welcome to purchase and bring their own bats as well. Refer to 'optional' section below.​
Each team will receive a bucket of practice balls as well as enough game balls for the season. The balls will be part of the team equipment managed by the Head Coach.
Softball sizes by age category:
TIMBITS: 10" training softball (Reduced Injury Factor ball with soft centre reduces severity of ball impact injuries)​
U9: 11" training softball
U11 & U13: 11" softball
U15+: 12" softball
Softball Glove
Be sure to purchase a softball glove - which are different from baseball gloves!
Softball gloves are larger and longer to accommodate the larger softball.
On average, youth softball players will use a 10.5" - 12" glove size, depending on age and category.
Do not buy a glove your player can grow into. Size correctly for your player's needs this season.
Learn more about choosing the right softball glove for your player's needs, especially as they progress.
Fielder's Mask
All U9 - U19 SBR players are required to wear a fielder's mask when playing on the infield, including the pitcher.
Fielder's masks significantly reduce the risk and severity of injury by a ball, including concussions.
Batting Helmet
All SBR players, including Timbits, must provide their own batting helmet with a metal face mask and chin strap.
'Shake test': to assess for a good fit, place helmet on head and give your head a few good shakes. There should be minimal movement.
Learn more about selecting a helmet for your player.
Softball Pants
All U9 - U19 players will need to purchase black softball pants.
There are many brands of ball pants and they all fit a little different. They tend to hit just below the knee to mid-shin.
Protective Jill
Also referred to as a female jockstrap, this protective gear is required by Softball Alberta.
See example here.
Water Bottle
Hydration is key! Send lots of water!
Softball Bat
Players are welcome to bring their own bats to practices and games.
Purchasing a bat appropriate for your player can be tricky. Refer to this helpful guide to shop like a pro.
Softball Cleats
Players may choose to play in running shoes. The benefit of softball cleats is the added stability and security provided while playing on shale or in the grassy outfield, reducing slips and potential injury.
Note: metal cleats are not allowed until U17. Be sure to select rubber studded cleats for younger players.
Batting Gloves
Batting gloves can help enhance a player's swing by improving their batting grip while also offering protection from vibrations and blisters.
Style is the player's preference. However, the gloves should fit snug yet comfortable.
Gear Bag
Help keep your player organized and ready to go with a well-designed ball bag.
Consider a bag equipped to store your player's glove, helmet, bat, cleats, water bottles, sunscreen, extra layers and more!
Additional Apparel
Most teams will select a design for 'team socks' and purchase together. We also recommend having a pair of purple knee-high softball socks on hand as well.
Players may want/need a belt to keep their softball pants up. We recommend opting for a purple softball belt to be consistent with Rockies colours.
Spring season in Calgary is often chilly to start! Wearing or bringing extra layers is highly recommended, including:
Long sleeve undershirt to wear under jersey
Jackets, vests, hoodies, toques, mitts for chilly days
Sunscreen, bug spray, sunglasses, extra hat, chapstick, eye black, hair ties, extra socks are all great accessories to have on hand, too.
Check out our online store for Rockies branded gear from Fresh Brand Gear!